In Thailand, there is a University that actually specializes in teaching the art of fruit and vegetable carving and classes in this art are taught in
The art of Thai fruit and vegetable carving has been part of the Thai culture and art scene for centuries. This art form was only used by the royal pa
The ancient Thai art of carving fruit and vegetables is formally known as Kae Sa Luk in Thailand. Kae Sa Luk turns fruits like pumpkins, potatoes, car
In western culture, you don’t often see elaborately carved fruit, even in the fanciest of restaurants. Yes, food presentation is meticulous, but it doesn’t usually involve an artist chiseling away at it for hours to create a work of art… Continue Reading →
The artistry presented in Thai fruit and vegetable carving draws and awes admirers around the world. This ancient Thai craft is being taught by teache
The Thai fruit and vegetable carving industry in Thailand is a thriving business as competitions are held, events are planned that promote the carving
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